Welcome to the System Design Course for Junior Engineers

Gain experience by going through 15 case studies of building real systems in the real world

Are you ready to accelerate your engineering journey? Imagine being able to confidently break down, design, and communicate complex systems long before you've reached a senior role. This course will give you the tools to achieve that and much more.

Master Real-World System Design with Case Studies

In this groundbreaking course, you'll explore 15 real-life case studies that feature genuine scenarios faced by full-stack software engineers in industries such as big tech, finance, and healthcare. Each case study isn't just theoretical; it presents a practical challenge backed by detailed system implementations that you can adapt and make your own.

This course focuses on mastering how real systems are built to solve actual problems rather than just abstract learning.

The Building Block Method: A New Way to Think About System Design

Just as algorithms and data structures are fundamental to software development, this course introduces building blocks as a third fundamental unit used to understand and create robust systems.

We will introduce a simple yet powerful framework using just seven building blocks, allowing you to:

  • Break down systems into understandable components.
  • Map high-level designs to real-world technologies. 
  • Understand trade-offs and make informed decisions.

By the end of this course, you will be equipped with how to use these seven building blocks, giving you what we call "senior-level intuition" much earlier in your career.

What's in It for You?

🔍 Think Like a Senior Engineer: Understand the entire system—not just your piece of the puzzle. Gain "senior-level intuition" much earlier in your career.

⚙️ Learn Hands-On: Every case study prepares you for the challenges you'll face on the job, from designing scalable blog platforms to real-time dynamic pricing marketplaces.

📈 Supercharge Your Career: Develop the confidence, skills, and mindset to position yourself as a rising star on your team.

🛠️ Immediate Application: Apply these concepts directly to your current projects, increasing your impact and effectiveness.

Why I Created This Course

My name is Kay Ashaolu [LinkedIn] and I created this course because I have seen how understanding systems end-to-end transforms junior engineers. Over my career, I have taught hundreds of students—from university classrooms to corporate teams—helping them turn confusion into clarity.

You don't have to wait years to grasp end-to-end system design. With the right approach, you can learn it. This isn't just a skill; it's your fast track to confidence, growth, and impact.

Who Is This Course For?

Junior Engineers: Start connecting the dots between your code and the more extensive system.

Aspiring Engineers: Equip yourself with knowledge beyond coding—start thinking like a senior engineer.

Senior Engineers from different disciplines: Are you a front-end, machine learning, or mobile engineer? Learn how to design the systems that use your interfaces and services yourself.

Technical Partners: Are you a Product Manager, a Designer, a Data Scientist, or a Researcher? Enable yourself to more deeply understand the systems you helped build.

What Sets This Course Apart?

  • 15 Case Studies: Real problems, real solutions, authentic learning.
  • 7 Building Blocks: Be able to solve real problems by combining well understood system components
  • A Framework for Mastery Designed For Junior Engineers: Learn seven building blocks designed to be fully understood by early engineers but are powerful enough to build entire applications.
  • Experienced Instructor: With over a decade of teaching junior engineers coupled with real-world experience working with junior engineers, I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

The Seven Building Blocks Introduced:

Systems explored in the 15 case studies:

  • Blogging Application (e.g. WordPress)
  • Social Media Platform (e.g. Facebook)
  • Video Streaming Platform (e.g. Vimeo)
  • Collaborative Document Tool (e.g. Google Docs)
  • Generative AI Chatbot (e.g. ChatGPT)
  • Social Payment Application (e.g. Venmo)
  • Chat Application (e.g. Slack)
  • Video Conferencing Platform (e.g. Zoom)
  • Photo Gallery Platform (e.g. Flickr)
  • Online Store Platform (e.g. Spotify)
  • Search Engine Platform (e.g. Google)
  • Auction-Based Marketplace (e.g. eBay)
  • Dynamic-Based Marketplace (e.g. Uber)
  • Intelligent Knowledge Search (e.g. PrivateGPT)
  • Link Shortener Service (e.g. Bit.ly)

We introduce the simplified first iterations of the technologies mentioned above to supercharge junior engineer growth by learning the basics. By understanding how we can build these varied technologies using the same seven building blocks, junior engineers become more equipped to understand systems end to end. 

A Sample System Design - Blogging Application

Start understanding System Design Today

This is your moment to break through. Stop wondering how senior engineers make it look so easy and start learning how to do it yourself.

Are you ready to truly understand systems end to end in a new and novel way?

👉 Buy the course and gain lifetime access to the System Design Course for Junior Engineers.